School Board

Noranda Primary School

School Board 2024

School Board ChairNed Hatswell

I’m Ned Hatswell, School Board Chair as of 2024, currently with 2 children at NPS and with 2 more to start over the next 3 years. I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to sit on the School Board and look forward to contributing and connecting with the wider school community. I’m interested in music, science and the natural world around us. What’s most important to me is that the school is a safe and inclusive place to learn. A place that the students look forward to visiting, and can have a positive and successful learning experience. If you see me lugging a trolley full of kids around the school, come and say g’day!

Celia McCarthy

Hi, I am Celia McCarthy, I have two children at Noranda Primary School. I have a strong interest in the focus of student achievement and being involved in the implementation of policies that ensure success for all students. Children thrive in a positive learning environment, which paves the way to become successful adults and citizens. Being a member of the Noranda Primary School Board is my way of giving back and I feel strongly about the relationship between parents and the School Community. 
Parent Representative
Kelly Maher
Hi, I’m Kelly Maher, a Parent of three boys, two currently attending Noranda Primary School with my eldest graduating here as School Captain in 2022.  Our experience here at Noranda Primary School has been incredibly positive, so it only felt fitting to give back to the School that has given my boys so much. After consulting with a previous Board member, I decided to apply as a Parent Representative with no prior experience except a desire to be a voice for those who might not always be heard, and wanting an understanding of the inner workings of the School.  Every meeting has been an amazing learning opportunity, and I know that the decisions we make contribute to building a better school and learning environment for students today and tomorrow.  I feel so incredibly proud and privileged to be a member of our School Board.

Parent Representative

Kate Armstrong

Parent Representative

Kalli Mills

Community Representative

Ahmed Siddique

Community Representative

Sally Palmer – City of Bayswater

Principal (Ex Officio)Kristy Harrison

I am the Principal of Noranda Primary School and truly value the School Board. My motivation for growing and maintaining a healthy School Board is to build the partnership with parents and the community to grow our school to be the best we can. Partnering with families creates connections between home and school which boosts engagement for our students in attending and learning at Noranda Primary School. It also ensures we have a direct line to the parent body to ensure parents can know what we as a school are striving to do, and gain parent perspective and insights into our efficacy in meeting the needs of our students to ensure their success.

Staff RepresentativeKerry Fullarton I am one of the Associate Principals at Noranda Primary School and have been part of the staff since 2010. I am passionate about assisting each child to reach their full potential. A holistic approach to education with strong partnerships creates a nurturing environment. The Board provides an opportunity for effective communication with the community. It is great to be a part of a group of people who are taking an active part in our school.

Future Meetings and Minutes


15th February 2023 Meeting Minutes
15th March 2023 Meeting Minutes
10th May 2023 Meeting cancelled
7th June 2023 Meeting Minutes
2nd August 2023 Meeting Minutes
6th September 2023 Meeting Minutes
18th October 2023 Meeting Minutes
21st November 2023 Meeting Minutes


21 February 2024        Meeting Minutes

1 May 2024                 Meeting Minutes

29 May 2024               Meeting Minutes


a) The Board has the powers and duties:

i) to make recommendations in the following:

• establishing and reviewing from time to time, the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions;

• the planning of financial arrangements necessary to fund those objectives, priorities and directions;

• evaluating the school’s performance in achieving them; and
• formulating codes of conduct for students at the school.

ii) to make recommendations in consultation with students, their parents and staff on an appropriate dress code for students when they are attending or representing the school;

iii) to promote the school in the community;

iv) to approve:

• charges and contributions for the provision of certain materials, services and facilities under section 99(4) of the School Education Act;

• extra cost optional components of educational programs under section 100(3) of the School Education Act;

• items to be supplied by a student for use in an educational program under section 108(2) of the School Education Act; and

• any agreements or arrangements for advertising or sponsorship in relation to the school under section 216(5) of the School Education Act.

v) to provide advice to the principal of the school on:

• a general policy concerning the use in school activities of prayers, songs and material based on religious, spiritual or moral values being used in a school activity as part of religious education; and

• the implementation of special religious education under section 69(2) of the School Education Act.

vi) with the approval of the Minister or Director General, as the Minister’s delegate, to:

• take part in the selection of, but not the appointment of, the school principal or any other member of the teaching staff under section 129(2) of the School Education Act.

b) The Board cannot:

i) intervene in the control or management of the school;
ii) intervene in the educational instruction of students;
iii) exercise authority over teaching staff or other persons employed at the school; and
iv) intervene in the management or operation of a school fund.

Terms of Reference


The school newsletter is published every two weeks to notify our parents and community members about the school programs and activities or upcoming events in the school.

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