Loose Parts Play

Spring has sprung! With the sunny and warm weather now with us again, students are rediscovering and enjoying Loose Parts Play. Have a look at some of our students using their creativity and problem solving skills through Loose Parts Play in the photos below.

Loose Parts Play involves loose parts, items that you may be considering throwing out, that have some ‘play value’. Students can use their imaginations and creativity to play with them as they desire.

At Noranda Primary School we have four Loose Parts Play Spaces and all students follow the three Loose Parts Play Rules:

• Everybody has fun.
• Scrap on scrap.
• Everybody packs away.

Prior to implementing Loose Parts Play at Noranda Primary School, students, staff and parents all had the opportunity to use their creativity and have fun playing with some loose parts.

We are always accepting new and interesting donations for our Loose Parts Play. Our labelled Loose Parts Play Donation Bin is permanently located in the undercover area next to the P&C shed. So please, keep those donations coming!

Thank you.
Loose Parts Play Staff Coordinators


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